GEN Europe Staging Site
A place where you can see some of the things you could do with your website using the Ecovillage theme
This theme uses the Genesis Framework, and the WordPress Guttenberg editor
Therefore you can take advantage of all the features you can see on those platforms
Featured section (you can create any of these sections like bellow)
(Fonts are customizable)

Our values
This is a section that has 3 columns one image on top, an icon, and then a header (our values in this case). With wordpress you can create any sections you wish (depending on your desing)

Our mission
WordPress uses the Gutenberg block editor which works with our theme. So you can do many things (you don’t need to know coding), depending on your creativity and imagination.

The community
And for the purpose of these staging website we have changed the colors and fonts (so it doesn’t look like the GEN one) so you can have a different feeling of things you can do in yours.

Learn about permaculture
This is a section with a photo and text that is fully customizable in the wordpress editor and sometimes finish it up adding some CSS.
Ready to meet our community?
This is a section with a parallax image cover (hence the cool effect when you scroll) and a button.
But again you can do anything you wish in your site. These are just examples.
Latest news (blog example)
- Event #3This is a section where you can display the latest posts of your blog, events or news if you have such a section in your website. It is called “latest …
- Event #2For example. This that you see is an excerpt of the post (can be done manually) to display either a summary (manual) or the content of the post (automatic). You …
- Event #1There is some level of customization for this section like if you want it to be in columns (like now). How many posts to display, for many columns. Or if …